
Česká paintballová liga > Czech Paintball League 2022 vol. 1

8:00 - 18:00


Main organizer:
Kateřina Papež

Czech Paintball League 2022 vol. 1


Field – NXL SupAir Field 2022 on the brand new field only few meters away from the old one

Time layout –  you will find the exact timing always +- 1 week before the game day on our FB Page!

5man Xball – Time-based 10Min., 4-point mercy rule, 1 Hopper (max. 280 Paintballs) + 4 Pods (max. 140 Paintballs)

Field layout – according to current DPL and NXL Europe  (to be announced on our FB Page)

Rulebook – open as a PDF file here

Referees – NXL Europe marshals

Velocity – max 300FPS

Entry Fee  FPO – 240 €  / team / round

Entry Fee  BYO – 300 €  / team / round

Paintballs – sponsored by ProShar: Skirmish, Premium, Tournament, Price TBA, unfortunately our magic crystal ball seems to be out of order

Accommodation – if you need help, feel free to contact us. We can book you rooms in pretty new pension in the same town where is the field, or we can recommend you some hotels in Pilsen city center – in the city of beer (20 Minutes by car from field).

EXTRAS – You are going to receive folder with printed schedule, field layout and pen and there will be enough cleaning stuff on site ready for you as well. You don’t need your own pit crew, our pit crew will be ready on site to help you in pit box.

Team registration, more Information, questions and any help you need on E-mail info@paintball-plzen.cz or this number +420 739 445 883

Register your team

Confirmed Teams

5 MAN X-Ball